Los dieciocho relatos que componen este libro fueron escritos entre los mundiales de Sudáfrica 2010 y Brasil 2014. No todos tienen que ver con el fútbol, pero los atraviesa una sensación alarmante: la felicidad es tan efímera y vergonzosa como el festejo del delantero que grita el gol sin saber que, a sus espaldas, el juez de línea ha levantado el banderín.
Author: Hernán Casciari
Publisher: Orsai
A book that seems to be about soccer, but it is not.
The eighteen stories that make up this book were written between the World Cups of South Africa 2010 and Brazil 2014. Not all of them have to do with soccer, but an alarming sensation runs through them: happiness is as ephemeral and shameful as the celebration of the striker who shouts the goal without knowing that, behind his back, the linesman has raised the flag.
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