Tónico Facial Refrescante Diario, formulado a base de extractos vegetales y niacinamida, ayuda a refrescar, hidratar y tonificar la piel. Gracias a su fórmula con Maqui Patagónico, Manzanilla y Hammamelis, brinda hidratación intensa y duradera mientras contribuye a atenuar el enrojecimiento cutaneo. Ideal para uso diario y para todo tipo de pieles.
Modo de uso: Aplicar Tónico Facial sobre la piel limpia las veces que sea necesario.
Daily Refreshing Facial Toner, formulated with plant extracts and niacinamide, helps to refresh, moisturize and tone the skin. Thanks to its formula with Patagonian Maqui, Chamomile and Hammamelis, it provides intense and long-lasting hydration while helping to reduce skin redness. Ideal for daily use and for all skin types.
How to use: Apply Facial Toner on cleansed skin as often as necessary.