El colegio organiza una excursión a París!
Nick y Charlie van a aprovechar su visita a la ciudad del amor para contarles a sus compañeros
sobre su relación; pero ¿se animarán?
Charlie tiene terror de que Nick sufra el mismo bullying que le hicieron a él un año atrás al salir
del armario. Y Nick está preocupado porque sospecha que algo le ocurre a Charlie y no sabe qué
hacer. ¿Es normal que coma tan poco? ¿Debería hablar con él?
Mientras tanto; Tao y Elle tendrán que hacerle frente a sus sentimientos; y Tara y Darcy van a contar
su historia de amor para que Nick y Charlie se animen a compartir la suya con el mundo.
¡Bienvenue al tercer tomo de Heartstopper!
EN: The school is organizing a trip to Paris!
Nick and Charlie are going to take advantage of their visit to the city of love to tell their classmates about their relationship.
about their relationship, but will they go for it?
Charlie is terrified that Nick will suffer the same bullying he was subjected to a year ago when he came out of the closet.
out of the closet. And Nick is worried because he suspects something is wrong with Charlie and he doesn’t know what to do.
Is it normal for him to eat so little? Should I talk to him?
Meanwhile; Tao and Elle will have to confront their feelings; and Tara and Darcy are going to tell
their love story so that Nick and Charlie will be encouraged to share theirs with the world.
Welcome to the third volume of Heartstopper!
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